YREC/IAYT Membership

Membership for everyone is $60 per year for U.S. residents with email; $70.50 for U.S. residents without email, or for U.S. residents who request a photocopy of each issue of the online newsletter; $65 per year for non-U.S. residents with email; and $80 per year for non-U.S. residents without email, or for non-U.S. residents who request a photocopy of each issue of the online newsletter. Please do not fill out the application unless you intend to pay for membership. Benefits include:

1. subscription to the triannual, 32-page Yoga Studies newsletter
2. subscription to the annual International Journal of Yoga Therapy
3. a 10-percent discount on all YREC/IAYT books, booklets, and tapes
4. membership in YREC automatically includes membership in the International Association of Yoga Therapists

For Yoga therapists, Yoga teachers, and health professionals, membership additionally includes:

5. participation in IAYT's professional referral service
6. IAYT membership certificate (if requested)

Please note that membership in YREC/IAYT does NOT include membership in Georg Feuerstein's Traditional Yoga Studies (TYS). At present the website operated by TYS is free of charge.

Please click here to fill out the required YREC/IAYT application form.

We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email and send you the following payment information:

Payment may be made by check, money order, or Visa/Mastercard/American Express. Instructions on submitting credit card information by email will be provided. If you reside outside the United States, please see the information below regarding payment by check or money order.

Payment by check or money order: Please note that checks and money orders must be in U.S. dollars, and checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank with the bank routing number and U.S. dollars account number imprinted on the check. We also accept checks drawn on Canadian U.S. dollars accounts, but please add $5.00 to defray our bank collection costs.

Yoga Research and Education Center
P.O. Box 426, Manton, CA 96059

We look forward to welcoming you as a YREC/IAYT member.

Please note that we no longer offer two separate categories of membership,
formerly referred to as "regular" and "professional " membership.


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